Article/Blog of the Week

Anil Kumar
2 min readJan 8, 2021


Let’s learn and create a room to grow.
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

In today’s filled with information world, there are a lot of articles/blogs/tutorials to read, learn, and improve your skills.

However, we can get lost in this jungle of knowledge. As an avid reader, I find it a responsibility to help you with minimal and required articles for your personal and professional growth.

With this series of posts, we’ll explore must-read and implement articles, blogs, courses, and papers(for advanced readers).

In this post, we’ll focus on How part of learning new skills. Let’s start with the great sources.

How to Learn Fast If You Are Not a Genius

Source: Curious publication

Why: In the fast-paced, it’s necessary to learn the required skills the efficient and fast way.

What I learned from Coursera’s “Learning How to Learn”

Why: Supporting the previous article it’s a summary or synopsis of Coursera’s most famous course. If you’re starting any online course then this should be the first one.

How to become a more effective learner?

Source: Very Well Mind (written by expert health writers)

Why: It defines effective learning for everyone especially students. It shows a whole approach and ways to get the most out of your time, schedule, and resources.

Tips for Successful Online Learning

Source: edX

Why: Nowadays online learning is a must for everyone. Liz shares the best practices for self-care, time management, community, etc. If you’ve started online learning then that should be a great place to start.


There is not a hard and fast rule for everyone in case of learning new skills and retaining them. However, there are some best practices that provide the maximum and effective results.

If you’ve got something great to share then mention that in responses.



Anil Kumar

GCP Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer. Deep Learning | Python | Data Science | Graph ML